A study reveals how NHS trusts in England are promoting the wellbeing of employees – from Zumba classes to healthier food.
Jude Williams
Guardian Professional, Wednesday 2 January 2013 10.59 GMT
The Staff Health Improvement Project report, which was released in November, reveals the steps taken by 22 NHS trusts in England to support staff health and wellbeing.
The report, published by the Health and Work Development Unit, a partnership between the Royal College of Physicians and the charity the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, also reveals how they have used the evidence-based workplace guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) to achieve this. Nice has issued guidance on how to reduce smoking and obesity, promote physical activity, support mental wellbeing and improve the management of long-term sickness absence in the workplace.
I became the lead for the project in early 2012. We interviewed a mix of acute and mental health trusts, large and small, urban and rural. My colleague Sarah Jones and I held in-depth interviews with the health and wellbeing (H&WB) board lead and implementer from each of the selected trusts. We captured a wealth of knowledge, experience and practice, all of which was recorded in the report.
Embedding staff H&WB into the values of an organisation was identified as crucial to the success of this work and some trusts had clearly articulated to staff the link to improved quality of patient care and experience. As one acute trust board lead, said: "We're in the healthcare business. If we can't get it right for staff there's not much hope for anybody.".........
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