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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Crisis...what crisis?

Fifa's president, Sepp Blatter, has faced down a barrage of criticism over corruption within football's governing body and vowed that only "the Fifa family" could prevent him being re-elected unopposedon Wednesday .

After a day of high drama in which Qatar threatened legal action against Fifa's secretary general, Jérôme Valcke, for implying it had bought the right to host the 2022 World Cup, Blatter defiantly insisted there was nothing for Fifa to investigate.

"Crisis? What is a crisis?" asked Blatter, the day after a presidential election candidate and a Fifa vice-president became the third and fourth of Fifa's 24 most senior politicians to have been suspended from football over corruption allegations in the past six months.

Blatter's stubbornness has been reinforced by the knowledge that he will be elected unopposed for another term on Wednesday. The same congress of national federations will now be his judge, he claimed. "They will decide if I am a valid or a non-valid candidate, or if I am a valid or non-valid president."

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